Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Day 4 take aways and my reflections
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Day 3 take aways on ALE
The use of survey questionaires as an instrument for evaluating Learning Environment have to take into the following considerations:
- Age group
- appropriate time of the survey
- activities before the survey
- purpose
Surveys are bsed mainly on Moo's 3 main general categories:
- Relationship
- Personal Development or goal orientation
- System maintenance and System Change
It involves Data Collection from people's view and Analysing Datas to determine the effectiveness of a Learning Environment.
Methods of Data collection:
- Survey questionaires
- Observations
- Interviews
- Informal conversations
- Documents
Instrument as sub-categorised as follows:
- Student
- Affiliation
- Professional Interest
- Achievement Orientation
- Staff Freedom
- Participatory Decision Making
- Innovation
- Resource Adequacy
- Work Pressure
Each group was given a case study on the positive and negative Learning Environment of a certain school. A fruitful discussion was conducted and shared in class. The study was based on the scales classified according to the various Moo's scheme using the Learning Environment Inventory instrument. One main observation on the case study was that the survey was conducted just for the Principal and certain school teachers. Including the students in the survey would inevitably gives us a more accurate feedbacks especially in regards to the motivation issues and relationship between the teachers and students.
I intend to introduce Blogging to my children at home but not for SAF due to the sensitivity and security of classification especially to the public. However, the questionaires seem like a good idea to implement it for my Instructors and students before, during and after each course that I conducted in OCS.
Day 2 take aways
- Physical - assessing the infrastructure and noise level
- Students - Optimum Group size ofr different age group and composition
- Social - Method and mode of Instructions and types of activities and tasks.
The inter relationship between Lewin's formula and Murray's needs-press model
- Personal needs - motivational personality
- Environment press - external partner that supports or limit the expression of personality needs.
The understandings of Rudolf Moo's Classroon environment Scale to assess the positive or negative classroom climate for effective learning to take place.
Lewinian's seminal work on field theory that the environment and its interaction with personal characteristics affects the human behaviour.
Sunday, June 15, 2008
A Personal Reflections on Past and Present Learning Environment
I thought the first session was an eye opener, in that it gives me an overview of what to expects for the next 5 days. I am introduce to blogging and lessonbox, which are new to me. Incidentally, both my children who are in their teens fall under this new generation of bloggers. As a father, I now can immersed in their blogging world...
I also get to realise my management styles. Knowing this inadvertantly gives me an understandings of the strengths and weaknesses of the “Commanding“ style of management. The lecture adds an indepth understandings in “How people Learn“ The perspective on Learning Environment, which explains the relationships of The community in regards to Learner-centred; Knowledge-centred and Assessment-centred.