Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day 4 take aways and my reflections

Today is to prepare a report on our class perceptions and the significant differences between the preferred and actual expections of the course. Each group has to work on the datas collected based on WIHIC forms distributed the day before. Using EXCEL to tabled the datas collected, we were introduced to SPSS, a compatible sftware used to calculate and analyse the datas from the EXCEL spread sheet. SPSS will calculate the results, reliablity and churn out tables to compare the preferred and actual datas collected from the class. This is then used to recommend the improvements to future ALE for the SAF participants.
SPSS has shown to be an effective and powerful software to analse the reliability and compare datas collected using the WIHIC forms. It not only saves time in calculating the results, but also work out the necessary tables to compare results collected.
I have learnt the application of SPSS and impressed with it. SPSS maybe useful to apply in assessing SAF courses.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Day 3 take aways on ALE

Surveys and Feedbacks are effective and useful tools used to assess a course. The results from each survey provide the School the informations on how well the course was conducted. In OCS, we administer surveys before, during and after the course to determine the responses from the students the issues that we need to improve upon and the good practices we need to maintain in order to meet the mission and vision of the School.
The use of survey questionaires as an instrument for evaluating Learning Environment have to take into the following considerations:
  • Age group
  • appropriate time of the survey
  • activities before the survey
  • purpose

Surveys are bsed mainly on Moo's 3 main general categories:

  • Relationship
  • Personal Development or goal orientation
  • System maintenance and System Change

It involves Data Collection from people's view and Analysing Datas to determine the effectiveness of a Learning Environment.

Methods of Data collection:

  • Survey questionaires
  • Observations
  • Interviews
  • Informal conversations
  • Documents

Instrument as sub-categorised as follows:

  • Student
  • Affiliation
  • Professional Interest
  • Achievement Orientation
  • Staff Freedom
  • Participatory Decision Making
  • Innovation
  • Resource Adequacy
  • Work Pressure

Each group was given a case study on the positive and negative Learning Environment of a certain school. A fruitful discussion was conducted and shared in class. The study was based on the scales classified according to the various Moo's scheme using the Learning Environment Inventory instrument. One main observation on the case study was that the survey was conducted just for the Principal and certain school teachers. Including the students in the survey would inevitably gives us a more accurate feedbacks especially in regards to the motivation issues and relationship between the teachers and students.

I intend to introduce Blogging to my children at home but not for SAF due to the sensitivity and security of classification especially to the public. However, the questionaires seem like a good idea to implement it for my Instructors and students before, during and after each course that I conducted in OCS.

Day 2 take aways

The assessment of the learning environment involves 3 main areas:
  • Physical - assessing the infrastructure and noise level
  • Students - Optimum Group size ofr different age group and composition
  • Social - Method and mode of Instructions and types of activities and tasks.

The inter relationship between Lewin's formula and Murray's needs-press model

  • Personal needs - motivational personality
  • Environment press - external partner that supports or limit the expression of personality needs.

The understandings of Rudolf Moo's Classroon environment Scale to assess the positive or negative classroom climate for effective learning to take place.

Lewinian's seminal work on field theory that the environment and its interaction with personal characteristics affects the human behaviour.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

A Personal Reflections on Past and Present Learning Environment

Learning points of session 1
I thought the first session was an eye opener, in that it gives me an overview of what to expects for the next 5 days. I am introduce to blogging and lessonbox, which are new to me. Incidentally, both my children who are in their teens fall under this new generation of bloggers. As a father, I now can immersed in their blogging world...
I also get to realise my management styles. Knowing this inadvertantly gives me an understandings of the strengths and weaknesses of the “Commanding“ style of management. The lecture adds an indepth understandings in “How people Learn“ The perspective on Learning Environment, which explains the relationships of The community in regards to Learner-centred; Knowledge-centred and Assessment-centred.
What is a good learning environment? You may ask...
In the past, SAF have always ignored the importance of the Learning Environment, which directly and indirectly affected the learners' learning capacities and abilities. We have come along way, learning from mistakes and adopting the MOE approach in considering learning evironment during military lessons.
An effective learning environment is a place where trainer has clear expectations of the students' behaviour, good instructional skills, and where the students felt a sense of belonging and empowerment. On the other hand, an ineffective learning environment is a place where the expectations were unclear and students do not have a sense of belonging and purpose. School learning environment is very much depend on the students, trainers as well as military school's vision.I find that my school's Homeroom system is a classical example of effective learning environment. Each classes have thier own unique tastes which suit both to the students and trainers. It gives ownership and sense of belonging to the class. Also, Trainers need to know and identify the different learning styles(needs)of their students and cater to them accordingly. As trainers, we have to design, experiment,reflect (both trainers and students) and improve on our strategies that we use in our classroom. Trainers have to embark on new avenues to tap on the students talents. In order to that, we have to equip ourselves with different modes of assessing,innovative lessons and creative skills.
All SAF Military Schools must create a better learning culture and embark on different approaches to achieve this effective learning environment. Nowadays, the students are better equipped in I.T. skills and are exposed to different media, thus it is important that we cater to the different needs of learning styles which will create a effective learning environment.
In the Officer Cadet School, there are Internet and Intranet LAN connections in the cadets' accomodations for interactions amongst trainers, fellow cadets and even with their friends and loved ones. These softwares and hardwares allow the cadets to read up prior to their lessons/lectures. Thus, saving time and trees in the process. The intuitive programmes in the Intranet also encouraged peer learning and checking of progress by our trainers through surveys and assessments within each lessons/topics. The additional time saved is used for more practical lessons in the field where they practiced what was read and taught previously. Thus, we were able to reduced the whole Officer Cadet course from 42 weeks previously to 38 weeks. Overall, reducing the Officers' National Service liability from 2 and a half years to 2 years with effect from 2007.
As a trainer myself, I see the education scene changing in leaps and bounds over the past 20 years. Trainers were taught to understand their students and look into their personal needs (Maslow's Hieriechy of Needs) so as to bring out a sense of belonging, build up their self-esteem and empower leadership qualities in each cadet. Trainers must also adopt correct teaching strategies, methodologies and sound pedagogy to cater for the different abilities in the class. With the use of IT such as Internet, blogging, on-line chit-chat; and interactive CD Roms, lessons come alive, interesting and interactive.